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CAA Definition and Regulations

Civil Aviation Authorities (CAAs) are responsible for the regulation of aviation training, ensuring that standards are met and kept up-to-date. They are the governing body for the operations of the aviation industry and are responsible for the safety of all people involved in the industry. They have the power to create and enforce regulations, rules, and standards for aviation training and operations.

Examples of CAAs include the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in the United States and the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), which is the regulatory body for civil aviation in the European Union.

CAAs inspect the training of individual airlines by conducting audits and reviews of the training programs they offer. During these audits and reviews, the CAAs review the curriculum and training materials used, assess the quality of the training provided, evaluate the qualifications of the instructors, and assess the effectiveness of the training in meeting the safety and security requirements of the aviation industry.


How Avsoft Designs Online Aviation Courses

  1. First, we identify the necessary requirements from the various Civil Aviation Authorities (CAAs) such as the FAA and EASA.
  2. Next, we review the details of the requirements and consults with subject matter experts to ensure the accuracy of the content.
  3. After the requirements are collected, we design a comprehensive course that covers all the requirements.
  4. The course is then tested and reviewed by subject matter experts.
  5. The course is then published and promoted to the aviation industry.
  6. Once the course is published, we continue to monitor the feedback from users and makes timely updates to ensure the course is up-to-date and compliant with the CAA requirements.


No Universal CAA Approval of an Online Aviation Course

Each airline must have courses approved by a Principal Operations Inspector (POI). A POI is an experienced airline pilot or Flight Operations Inspector who is assigned by the CAA to ensure that an airline’s training courses are in line with the relevant CAA regulations and standards. The POI carries out an audit of the airline’s training courses, both in-house and outsourced, and approves or disapproves each course, ensuring that it meets all required safety and operational standards. In addition to this, a POI may also review changes in the training syllabus and provide advice on the most suitable training methods and materials.


Avsoft Guarantees CAA Approval

Since our online aviation courses are designed to meet the requirements from various CAAs, they almost always meet the approval of client POIs as is. However, if your POI finds any technical issues, we will make whatever modifications are required.

We strive to create and provide accurate and effective training content to the airline industry. We are always open to feedback and willing to modify our content as needed.