Online pilot training, or aviation computer-based training, provides a lot of versatility and options for airlines and airline training organizations (ATOs). We have discussed many of the benefits that such organizations experience when allowing their pilots to train online for both aircraft type systems and general subject training.
However, there are sometimes limits to what can occur online. For some CBT training providers, their training is entirely reliant on connectivity. However, we know there are times when internet connectivity can be spotty, creating hassles.
Here at Avsoft, we have invested in what we call the Portable Classroom. This app is a hybrid offline and online eLearning Courseware player for viewing our online pilot training modules. The Portable Classroom app, when downloaded, allows pilots to train even when they do not have an internet connection. And, when connected, they can also stream all content.
When the user is offline and progressing through the training content, their progress is stored locally in their device. When they connect again to the internet, their progress is automatically synchronized with the Learning Management System (LMS).
The Portable Classroom creates more flexibility for individual users and pilots to complete their training anytime and anywhere. We do optimize the Portable Classroom for tablets, both iPad and Android, with a minimum screen resolution of 1024×768 pixels. Some key features include:
The app is available in the major app stores. It must be downloaded and activated with an internet connection before offline learning can commence. But, the setup is very quick and easy. The setup will require access to the Avsoft LMS (AvLMS), which will enable synchronization of offline learning progress and reporting.
We offer a 30-day free evaluation of our online pilot training courses. This free evaluation access includes all our aircraft type and general/recurrent training courses. Request your demo access.
Avsoft proudly provides pilot training solutions to airlines and ATOs around the world. We would love to help your organization as well. We offer a wide range of effective and proven pilot training products, all available here 24/7/365.