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eLearning Courses Ideal Solution to Meet Post-Pandemic Pilot Training Demand

March 18, 2021

While the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted all areas of society, very few industries have been hit as hard as the aviation industry. Between the need for social distancing, the rapidly escalating number of COVID cases throughout 2020 and many of the travel restrictions imposed, airlines experienced devastating losses last year:

  • As of November 2020, passenger traffic was down 70% compared to 2019
  • Capacity levels on flights were 59% lower in 2020 than 2019
  • The International Civil Aviation Organization estimated the global airline industry suffered a loss of approximately $392 billion in gross operating revenues in 2020

Reduced levels of travel and severe financial hardships have forced airlines to make certain adjustments over the last year:

  • The number of active pilots has reduced to address the lower need and new financial outlook of the airlines
  • Many airlines have downsized to smaller aircraft and retired some of their older wide-body aircraft earlier than expected
  • Newer, more fuel-efficient aircraft are being prioritized in an effort to cut operating costs

The Airline Industry Is Poised for a Rebound in the Second Half of 2021

Fortunately, the airline industry seems poised for a big rebound in 2021. The majority of the population should be vaccinated by early summer, and this bodes well for travel in the second half of the year. After spending over a year hunkered down due to the pandemic, many individuals will feel a strong urge to resume traveling. In addition, there are many people who haven’t seen their family in well over a year, and travel for family visits should spike considerably in the near future as people seek to reconnect with loved ones in person.

This anticipated increase in travel volume as we enter summer means airlines need to start planning ahead in order to ensure they are prepared to meet the growing demand associated with our society slowly returning to normal. Many pilots will be recalled after long layoffs in order to accommodate the extra flights being added back into the schedule. This creates a need for additional pilot training:

  • Many pilots may need to undergo recurrent training to ensure they’re meeting FAA regulations
  • The adoption of newer, smaller, more fuel-efficient aircraft will create a need for new training courses geared towards the specific models currently in use by the airline

eLearning Courses Provide Flexibility at an Affordable Price

While the demand for travel should recover in the near future, it will likely take longer for airline revenues to bounce back. After one of the most challenging years in the history of the aviation industry, cost-effective solutions must be a priority as we start accommodating the anticipated increase in travel on the horizon.

When considering the best way to address the training needs of your pilots, eLearning courses provide the flexibility you need while keeping costs as affordable as possible:

  • eLearning courses provide the most effective way to address the need for training on newer airline models, as new courses are constantly being created to address changes in industry trends
  • Online pilot training courses can be customized to address the unique needs of your airline or ATO
  • Pilots are able to move through the course at their own pace, allowing those who are extremely motivated to get up to speed faster
  • By eliminating travel costs, classroom rentals and the need for in-person instructors, eLearning courses significantly reduce your pilot training budget

Avsoft Can Address All of Your Pilot Training Needs

Avsoft offers a wide range of online pilot training courses to address the needs of airlines and ATOs. We have one of the largest collection of eLearning pilot training courses in the industry, giving you access to general subject courses and model-specific aircraft systems courses.

You’ll experience a variety of benefits from Avsoft online pilot training courses, including:

  • Courses designed for both initial and recurrent training
  • Comprehensive, high quality graphical content with interactivity
  • SCORM compliant (our courses work on any LMS)
  • All courses comply with all major regulatory agencies including EASA, FAA, IATA, ICAO and Transport Canada
  • Courses can be viewed on any browser and device
  • Portable Classroom app for iPad and Android tablets allows for offline training when internet connectivity is an issue

In addition, our Rapid Design, Development and Deployment (RD3) system allows you to edit existing content and create new content in an easy-to-use platform. This provides an added level of customization to our eLearning courses that isn’t possible with many other options available.

Request a Demo

Avsoft offers a 30-day free evaluation of our online pilot training courses for airlines and ATOs. Please request a demo today to discover the benefits you’ll receive from our eLearning courses.

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About Avsoft

Avsoft proudly provides pilot training solutions to airlines and ATOs around the world. We would love to help your organization as well. We offer a wide range of effective and proven pilot training products, all available here 24/7/365.

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